Site Information |
Site Name | Code | Subnet | Type | Monument Installed | Data Archived |
Twisp | TWSP | PANGA | Building (Y) | 2015-08-07T14 | PANGA |
Site Location Information |
City | State | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation |
Twisp | WA | 48.3655425 | -120.121654 | 479.59836 |
Approximate ITRF Position X,Y,Z (m) |
X | Y | Z |
-2130674.2807 | -3672406.4056 | 4744335.7832 |
Current Receiver and Antenna Type |
Receiver | Antenna |
Data Acquisition for CGPS |
Telemetry | Real-Time | SGM Dist | Onboard PPP | Last Data |
CDMA | Y | n/a | Y | current |
Receiver Upgrades and Firmware Updates |
Date Installed | Time UTC | Receiver Type |
2015-08-07 | 14:58:00 | TPS NET-G3A |
2017-07-21 | 23:59:00 | TRIMBLE NETR9 |
Antenna and Domes |
Date Installed | Time UTC | Antenna Type & Dome |
2015-08-07 | 14:58:00 | TPSCR.G3 TPSH |
2017-07-21 | 23:59:00 | TRM115000.00 NONE |
DD=Daily Download, MD=Manual Download, DC=Decommissioned, NA=Not Available |