Alaskan Way Viaduct

With existing seismic instruments, quarterly optical monitoring data, strain gauges, and accelerometers, the Alaskan Way Viaduct presents an optimal study for real-time monitoring. Not ony does this structure impact the people of Seattle, but the greater populace of Washington State as well.

looking north
GPS Looking North
Alaskan Way Viaduct
looking south
GPS Looking South

Real-time data provides corrections for local surveyors enabling instant measurement corrections. Time and money is saved since this eliminates the need for a site specific base station and the results are accurate to the millimeter.

Installing GPS Antenna

Data are stored at PANGA Lab in Ellensburg, WA -important since location is further from most major geologically hazardous areas of the Puget Sound area. These data are uploaded every second providing an instantaneous view of ground deformation leading to possible structure failures; allowing hazard assements and warnings to be accurately made.

Viaduct GPS
Installing GPS Antenna